Monday, December 26, 2011
I just want to wish everyone a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS. And remind you to keep those tails wagging, (and don't lick - that's what mom always says to me !). Anyways until next post, hope your holidays are merry and bright.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
On Saturday, (Nov 19th), WE GOT SNOW !!. Oh how I have missed this stuff. It seems like forever since I've been able to roll in this glorious stuff. I LOVE SNOW. I love to run in the snow. I love to make tunnels in the snow. I love to chase my ball in the snow. I just love, love, love the snow!!!
Even though we only got a little bit, it still felt good when dad opened up the back door and let me run loose in the back yard. Then after I rolled around in this glorious stuff for a while, he threw my yellow ball and told me to go find the ball, I thought "YES".
One time, dad threw the ball and I had to do some real good digging to find it - but I didn't come up empty handed. I always return with the ball!!
Mom and dad always get a good laugh and my white beard whenever I am done playing outside. One of the best things about playing outside is the good rub down with the warm towel. Oh, it just feels so good on my body to get rubbed all over with the towel, and mom gets between my toes real good to make sure I don't have any ice hidden away in my foot pads. Then I get a little dog biscuit for being a good girl. Snow Days are always the best. Hope you've been enjoying your snow days as much as I have mine. Until next post, keep wagging those tails high in the air.
Even though we only got a little bit, it still felt good when dad opened up the back door and let me run loose in the back yard. Then after I rolled around in this glorious stuff for a while, he threw my yellow ball and told me to go find the ball, I thought "YES".
One time, dad threw the ball and I had to do some real good digging to find it - but I didn't come up empty handed. I always return with the ball!!
Mom and dad always get a good laugh and my white beard whenever I am done playing outside. One of the best things about playing outside is the good rub down with the warm towel. Oh, it just feels so good on my body to get rubbed all over with the towel, and mom gets between my toes real good to make sure I don't have any ice hidden away in my foot pads. Then I get a little dog biscuit for being a good girl. Snow Days are always the best. Hope you've been enjoying your snow days as much as I have mine. Until next post, keep wagging those tails high in the air.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Friday, September 2, 2011
Mom and dad got my matriculation letter !! I go back to CCI in California for my advanced training, (aka - puppy college), on Friday, February 17th. Mom had a few tears, dad gave her a hug and said it would be OK. Mom had a long heart to heart talk with me and told me that I only have 5 1/2 months to get my act "together" and that we have to start acting like we know what we're doing, or I'm going to flunk out of college real fast. She reminded me that I need a college education to make it in the real world. My trainer reminder her that there were other options for me, (like; search and rescue / companion training / hearing training / facility training / drug sniffing). The trainer said there's nothing wrong with being a "change of career" dog. But mom said not to listen to them. I need to do my best and graduate as a CCI service dog. So - I guess I need to buckle down and try a little harder. No more lease pulling, no more picking up objects when we go for walks, less distractions and more focus. Boy it's gonna' be tough, but I think I can do it. Keeping my paw pads crossed. Until next post, keep those tails poised high.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
On August 10th, I turned 1 year old. Mom says I am no longer a puppy, but now I am a dog - but deep in her heart I will always be her little puppy girl. I still weigh 75 lbs. So what happens when a CCI puppy turns 1 year old ? Well it is pretty much like any other day for us. Here are some photos.
Can you think of anything better than having your coat brushed by mom, followed by a luxurious pedicure by dad. I love to doze off across dad's legs while he does my nails. Mom always wants to paint them, but dad says "no, they are to dark and no one will see the paint".
Next, it's time for mom to clean my ears and then brush my teeth, (I especially love this part). The toothpaste taste so yummy that I sometimes lick it off the brush before mom can get it on my teeth and then she has to put more on the tooth brush.
Of course, every CCI puppy goes through this each week, so we are all used to being handled and groomed without resisting. We actually love it!
Then mom put on my birthday necklace, my birthday hat, and gave me a birthday horn. She said that it was time for me to "toot my own horn for a change". Here's a photo of me celebrating my moment.

Of course, every CCI puppy goes through this each week, so we are all used to being handled and groomed without resisting. We actually love it!
Then mom put on my birthday necklace, my birthday hat, and gave me a birthday horn. She said that it was time for me to "toot my own horn for a change". Here's a photo of me celebrating my moment.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
My half sister, Wink, came to stay with us for 2 weeks last month, (July 18 - Aug 2), while her mom went home to Idaho to visit family. It was so much fun around our house!! Wink and I got to run around the back yard, roll around the grass, chase balls, dad would throw bones and balls for us to chase and bring back to him, (sometimes).
Most times our most favorite game was - "you have my toy and I want it NOW", or "keep away" . Yea you know what those games are. We also invented new games on our own, like run at top speed, then dive under the coffee table on our stomach with all four paws straight out to our sides and slide out the other side, we called that the "slip and slider". Sometimes the one in the back would go fast enough to PUSH the one in the front through the other side of the coffee table.
Sometimes Roudy would try to join us in play, but we were always to rough and wore her out to quickly. Mom said she was too old to be playing that way with us young kids. Roudy always needed to lay down and nap a lot during the day while we played. She's 11 years old.
Sometimes when we got a little too out of hand, mom would say "OK, kennel". And we would both jump into one kennel together. If we were lucky she would let us stay in the one kennel together. One time, we got a little too rough in the kennel and the side popped off. We just stood there. We knew not to leave the kennel or mom would be mad, but she wasn't, she just put the side back on and then put me back into my own kennel by myself.
Mom and dad said taking walks with two dogs and one person was a real challenge, since we always seemed to want to get tangled up. I'm a right side walker and Wink is a left side walker, unless we start sniffing. What's the problem??
Wink said the best part about our house was Sunday evenings. And I agree. Because that's when we get Frosty Paws. Frosty Paws are a doggy version of ice cream cups - YUMMY. At first Wink wasn't so sure how to eat hers. But Roudy and I were wolfing ours down and she caught on real fast that this is "good stuff", then she couldn't wait until the next Sunday for Frosty Paws night. It was a sad day when mom had to pack up all of Winks stuff so she could go home to her mom. Our house was so quiet without that little puppy around. Wink is only 8 months old and I hope I taught her a few good things to get her through life. I love my little half-sister.
Until the next post, remember to hold those tails high and proud.
Most times our most favorite game was - "you have my toy and I want it NOW", or "keep away" . Yea you know what those games are. We also invented new games on our own, like run at top speed, then dive under the coffee table on our stomach with all four paws straight out to our sides and slide out the other side, we called that the "slip and slider". Sometimes the one in the back would go fast enough to PUSH the one in the front through the other side of the coffee table.
Sometimes Roudy would try to join us in play, but we were always to rough and wore her out to quickly. Mom said she was too old to be playing that way with us young kids. Roudy always needed to lay down and nap a lot during the day while we played. She's 11 years old.
Sometimes when we got a little too out of hand, mom would say "OK, kennel". And we would both jump into one kennel together. If we were lucky she would let us stay in the one kennel together. One time, we got a little too rough in the kennel and the side popped off. We just stood there. We knew not to leave the kennel or mom would be mad, but she wasn't, she just put the side back on and then put me back into my own kennel by myself.
Mom and dad said taking walks with two dogs and one person was a real challenge, since we always seemed to want to get tangled up. I'm a right side walker and Wink is a left side walker, unless we start sniffing. What's the problem??
Wink said the best part about our house was Sunday evenings. And I agree. Because that's when we get Frosty Paws. Frosty Paws are a doggy version of ice cream cups - YUMMY. At first Wink wasn't so sure how to eat hers. But Roudy and I were wolfing ours down and she caught on real fast that this is "good stuff", then she couldn't wait until the next Sunday for Frosty Paws night. It was a sad day when mom had to pack up all of Winks stuff so she could go home to her mom. Our house was so quiet without that little puppy around. Wink is only 8 months old and I hope I taught her a few good things to get her through life. I love my little half-sister.
Until the next post, remember to hold those tails high and proud.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Mom's new boss is in the office this week and today everyone got together for a luncheon in the conference room. Her new boss had a special announcement to make. Every year mom's work place gives out special cash awards to charitable organizations that provide worthy and notable contributions to society. Mom filled out the reams of paperwork last April and today, Mom's new boss announced that my mom WON a $10,000 award for CCI. Mom was so excited that she jumped out of her chair hugged a couple of the guys and started crying and jumping for joy. She is so excited for Canine Companions for Independence. She knows that there is so much good work they can do with this award. The check for CCI will be coming to mom in a couple of days and then mom will be allowed to tell CCI and make the presentation. So, we can't tell anyone at CCI just yet that they have this money coming. It's a surprise - shh. But I had to tell all my friends how excited my mom was. And all the guys at mom's work were so glad for her and me that she won this award for CCI. Watch for photos of the presentation of the check, and keep those tails wagging.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Liberty Park Outing
Last week our CCI puppy class went to Liberty Park. Our trainer want to see how we reacted to the ducks, (yawn, better things to do than look at ducks), the kids playing in water, (now that's neat !), the water fountains, (pretty interesting), the birds, (ho, hum - got one at home), and other distractions. It was a beautiful day and after a couple of hours our tails and tongues were dragging. A couple of people stopped us and asked questions about CCI and got literature. Who knows, maybe we might get future puppy raisers, and be able to help someone who needs a CCI dog to help a handicap person. It was a very good outting. Here are some photos, enjoy - see you next posting.
Keep those tails wagging.

Thursday, July 21, 2011
Trip to Gateway Shopping Plaza
Two weeks ago during the evening hours, our CCI puppy class went to the downtown Gateway Shopping Center. Our trainer wanted to see how we reacted to new types of distraction. It was GREAT. We got to stand on the rocks, watch the horse and carriages, and ride the elevators.
We watched the kids play in the water fountains, climbed stairs. Everywhere we went people wanted us to stop so they could pet us, but our moms and dads told them that we were working right now and maybe later.
Here's a picture of me and my mom taking a break by one of the waterfalls. I just love sitting here on the cool rock watching everything going on around us. Mom likes to "people watch" too. It was a fun outing. And I didn't get to distracted - well not much!
Here's a picture of me, mom and dad. We were on the 2nd level by the restaurants. It was pretty hard for dad to resist the good smells coming out of the restaurants - (jk dad). Until next post, keep those tails wagging.
We watched the kids play in the water fountains, climbed stairs. Everywhere we went people wanted us to stop so they could pet us, but our moms and dads told them that we were working right now and maybe later.
Here's a picture of me and my mom taking a break by one of the waterfalls. I just love sitting here on the cool rock watching everything going on around us. Mom likes to "people watch" too. It was a fun outing. And I didn't get to distracted - well not much!
Here's a picture of me, mom and dad. We were on the 2nd level by the restaurants. It was pretty hard for dad to resist the good smells coming out of the restaurants - (jk dad). Until next post, keep those tails wagging.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
This year mom and dad went on a long, long, very long vacation WITHOUT me!! They made arrangements for me to stay with Lindsay and her husband. At first I was very excited, because I thought that I would get to play all day with Daya, (another CCI puppy). But then mom explained to me that Daya had gone off to advanced training at CCI in California. But, on the bright side for the very first time ever, I was going to be an only puppy and get all the one-on-one attention.
I thought Oh Boy, this is going to be my vacation also. Man was I every wrong. When I got to Lindsay's house the first thing I did was run through the house, up and down the stairs. Right away I learned real fast that Lindsay knew all the CCI rules and the same rules that apply at home also apply at Lindsay's. BUMMER. But it was real nice at Lindsay's. She did let me into the bedroom - which is something mom and dad never do.
I also got to have 2 Saturday play dates with other CCI puppies, we went to the grocery store, and everyday Lindsay took to work with her at the beauty salon where all the women would pet me and say that I was such a good girl and that I had such a pretty coat. I was pretty much a good girl, once I learned that I still had to obey the rules. But I missed mom and dad, and I know that they missed me. 2 weeks is such a long time to leave me. These are the photos that Lindsay took and emailed to mom and dad while they were on their cruise. Until next post - see ya'.
I thought Oh Boy, this is going to be my vacation also. Man was I every wrong. When I got to Lindsay's house the first thing I did was run through the house, up and down the stairs. Right away I learned real fast that Lindsay knew all the CCI rules and the same rules that apply at home also apply at Lindsay's. BUMMER. But it was real nice at Lindsay's. She did let me into the bedroom - which is something mom and dad never do.
I also got to have 2 Saturday play dates with other CCI puppies, we went to the grocery store, and everyday Lindsay took to work with her at the beauty salon where all the women would pet me and say that I was such a good girl and that I had such a pretty coat. I was pretty much a good girl, once I learned that I still had to obey the rules. But I missed mom and dad, and I know that they missed me. 2 weeks is such a long time to leave me. These are the photos that Lindsay took and emailed to mom and dad while they were on their cruise. Until next post - see ya'.
Friday, July 1, 2011
Bath Time
For those who ever wonder what it's like for a 70 pound CCI puppy to get a bath - here's a look.. Dad just couldn't resist taking these photos of me completely undressed and sitting in the tub. I only hope that my friends and siblings don't get a hold of these.
Please mom - be careful back there. NO DAD - don't take a photo of me getting my rump washed. OH gosh, is there no dignity left for me?
Now it's time to get towel dried. I could do this a lot faster if she would just let me stand up and shake it all off, (right in their faces too, I might add - a good way to get back at them for these photos).
Now Dad's going to use the warm blower on me. My but that does feel good. We need one of these at home. Mom and Dad like taking me to this place called Laundermutts. It's a self service dog washing company. They say it's reasonable priced and they don't have to bend over to reach the tub. The guys who run the joint are real nice also. OK, I'm all clean and smell real good again. Time to go. Now you see some of what I have to put up with on a regular basis. All part of being a CCI puppy. See you next posting.
Please mom - be careful back there. NO DAD - don't take a photo of me getting my rump washed. OH gosh, is there no dignity left for me?
Now it's time to get towel dried. I could do this a lot faster if she would just let me stand up and shake it all off, (right in their faces too, I might add - a good way to get back at them for these photos).
Now Dad's going to use the warm blower on me. My but that does feel good. We need one of these at home. Mom and Dad like taking me to this place called Laundermutts. It's a self service dog washing company. They say it's reasonable priced and they don't have to bend over to reach the tub. The guys who run the joint are real nice also. OK, I'm all clean and smell real good again. Time to go. Now you see some of what I have to put up with on a regular basis. All part of being a CCI puppy. See you next posting.
Monday, May 16, 2011
This evening, I couldn't decide whether to play with the ball or the chew bone. So I decided why not BOTH! Mom and dad laughed so hard when they saw me, (don't know why??).
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Show NO Fear
So, last Saturday before our puppy training class started a handful of us girls were mulling around outside, (you know kissing muzzles, sniffing rear ends, generally just saying "hello"). Then all of a sudden our moms and dads decided that they wanted to see if we could master our trainers agility equipment, while she was inside the garage with her other class !! Some of the other pups were a little afraid to go across the balancing board, (it's just like a teeter toter, but it's for dogs). NOT ME - I got up and walked across. I wasn't even afraid when the opposite end started dropping downward. I just stopped for a moment, got my balance, then kept on going. The 2nd time across, I didn't even stop once.
Then we did the climbing board. I wouldn't admit it to the other pups, but the very first time, I was a little worried about what was at the top and on the other side. But once mom tempted me up and over with a tasty treat, and I saw that there was nothing to it. I did it again 2 more times. Up and over. Did you notice that it's taller than mom is? Mom said that I was just like a little marine at boot camp. All I know is; there were plenty of "yea Balsa" when I did it. Some of the other pups only got 1/2 of the way up, some got almost to the top and then jumped off, a few were as brave as me but they were the older dogs. Mom and dad were so proud of me. Then the trainer came out and told everyone to knock it off, it was time for our class to start.
Then we did the climbing board. I wouldn't admit it to the other pups, but the very first time, I was a little worried about what was at the top and on the other side. But once mom tempted me up and over with a tasty treat, and I saw that there was nothing to it. I did it again 2 more times. Up and over. Did you notice that it's taller than mom is? Mom said that I was just like a little marine at boot camp. All I know is; there were plenty of "yea Balsa" when I did it. Some of the other pups only got 1/2 of the way up, some got almost to the top and then jumped off, a few were as brave as me but they were the older dogs. Mom and dad were so proud of me. Then the trainer came out and told everyone to knock it off, it was time for our class to start.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
8 Months old, A Library Trip, and a Train Ride
On Sunday, (April 10th), I turned 8 months old. I now weigh 62.3 lbs. and mom has started calling me "little moo moo", (because I look like a little black Angus cow and she says I am getting to be the size of a cow). I now get to go just about any place that the older dogs are allowed to go. Mom and Dad said that I now get more introductions to the outside world and I will now get the chance to see how my commands that I have been learning will come in handy.
On Wednesday, (April 13th), our puppy training class went downtown to the Salt Lake public library for a visit. It was a very rainy day and only 5 of us showed up for class. Here I am saying hello to Goldy. She's only 2 weeks younger than me.
First we rode the glass elevator up to the top of the library. I didn't care for that. Dad said I will have to practice that a lot more and get used to it. It's pretty scary! Then we walked up the circular steps and took in the view of the downtown area. It was nice up there.
We all got to practice a few commands, then went back inside to walk around the library and visit with some people and do some more commands. Some people even petted us, and learned about CCI from our moms and dads. Then outside we all went and across the street to the Trax station to catch the train for our first ride from the library to the Gateway Center.
At first I wasn't sure how to react, but then I realized that it was like riding in the back of mom's car and I just settled down and relaxed. A couple of the other girls didn't do as well. But I was a natural. Dad said that if I get placed with a handicap person in a city that uses mass transportation I will have no trouble helping that person get around. We rode the train for 45 about minutes.
When we got home that evening, I was so tired that I went straight to bed and fell fast asleep. I was a long day and I worked very hard. The life of a working service dog is very hard.
Stay tuned for more updates.
On Wednesday, (April 13th), our puppy training class went downtown to the Salt Lake public library for a visit. It was a very rainy day and only 5 of us showed up for class. Here I am saying hello to Goldy. She's only 2 weeks younger than me.
First we rode the glass elevator up to the top of the library. I didn't care for that. Dad said I will have to practice that a lot more and get used to it. It's pretty scary! Then we walked up the circular steps and took in the view of the downtown area. It was nice up there.
We all got to practice a few commands, then went back inside to walk around the library and visit with some people and do some more commands. Some people even petted us, and learned about CCI from our moms and dads. Then outside we all went and across the street to the Trax station to catch the train for our first ride from the library to the Gateway Center.
At first I wasn't sure how to react, but then I realized that it was like riding in the back of mom's car and I just settled down and relaxed. A couple of the other girls didn't do as well. But I was a natural. Dad said that if I get placed with a handicap person in a city that uses mass transportation I will have no trouble helping that person get around. We rode the train for 45 about minutes.
When we got home that evening, I was so tired that I went straight to bed and fell fast asleep. I was a long day and I worked very hard. The life of a working service dog is very hard.
Stay tuned for more updates.
Monday, February 14, 2011
On Thursday, (2/10/11), I turned 6 months old. Mom says I am no longer a little puppy, but a young dog. I now am learning 3 new commands - bed / stand / speak. At puppy class on Saturday, we got to do a little agility work, jumping through a
large ring that was attached to a stand. At first I wasn't all that sure about going through, but once mom coaxed me through, I got the hang of it, and the next time I just jumped right through. I did a lot better than some of the other puppies. Mom and dad are so proud of how quickly I learn my commands and how well behaved I am at puppy class. Dad just wishes some of the good behavior would carry over to home. Hope you all had a happy valentine's day. See you in the next post.
large ring that was attached to a stand. At first I wasn't all that sure about going through, but once mom coaxed me through, I got the hang of it, and the next time I just jumped right through. I did a lot better than some of the other puppies. Mom and dad are so proud of how quickly I learn my commands and how well behaved I am at puppy class. Dad just wishes some of the good behavior would carry over to home. Hope you all had a happy valentine's day. See you in the next post.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
This morning mom looked at the calendar and then softly started crying a few tears. At first I didn't understand why she was sad, but then she told me that in exactly one year I would be leaving for Puppy College!! She said that she's worried that she won't be able to teach all of the commands that I will need to learn in time, to graduate from college. One of the guys at work said that I am a smart dog and that I have been learning so quickly - not to worry too much. Mom laughed and said "yea, but you haven't seen her on those days that she has puppy mush for brains". Those days, I just love to look at mom like "you want me to do WHAT?" It so totally frustrates her and I get a big laugh, because I really know the command
Here is what I have learned (or I am learning) so far:
sit / down / kennel / let's go (which means to walk) / don't / stay / shake / wait / drop / my name / dress (which means to put on my gentle leader and cape) / here (which means to come) / hurry (which means to potty) / release (which means the last series of commands is over) / car (which means to get into the car) / wait (which means when we come to a doorway or street corner I sit patiently until the handler has entered the doorway or given me another command) / cuddle (which means to lay down and roll over, so the handler can rub my tummy and also examine my ears, teeth, feet, etc.)
So - ONE MORE YEAR TO GO, then it's off to 6 months of puppy college. Then as mom says "I have a very important mission to make some very lucky person's life more mobile and independent.
Today mom has been more giving with the treats, and when I stood next to her office chair on my back legs and laid my head on her shoulder and looked in her eyes - she teared up again and said "I'm sure going to miss you Balsa, I love you." So, I gave you a little kiss on the chin to let her know that I loved her too and I would always remember her no matter where I go to live. Tomorrow we will be back to our usual routine.
Here is what I have learned (or I am learning) so far:
sit / down / kennel / let's go (which means to walk) / don't / stay / shake / wait / drop / my name / dress (which means to put on my gentle leader and cape) / here (which means to come) / hurry (which means to potty) / release (which means the last series of commands is over) / car (which means to get into the car) / wait (which means when we come to a doorway or street corner I sit patiently until the handler has entered the doorway or given me another command) / cuddle (which means to lay down and roll over, so the handler can rub my tummy and also examine my ears, teeth, feet, etc.)
So - ONE MORE YEAR TO GO, then it's off to 6 months of puppy college. Then as mom says "I have a very important mission to make some very lucky person's life more mobile and independent.
Today mom has been more giving with the treats, and when I stood next to her office chair on my back legs and laid my head on her shoulder and looked in her eyes - she teared up again and said "I'm sure going to miss you Balsa, I love you." So, I gave you a little kiss on the chin to let her know that I loved her too and I would always remember her no matter where I go to live. Tomorrow we will be back to our usual routine.
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