Saturday, November 6, 2010

1st Day at Puppy Class

 On November 3rd, I finally started my official puppy training class.  Boy am I ready to show them everything that mom and I have already learned.  I already know sit, down, let's go, kennel, and cuddle.  I'm going to graduate on the first night!!

As you can see some of these guys are big, suddenly I wasn't the B.D.O.C., (big dog on campus) anymore.  Look how still and patient they are!  I could never set that long and that still - could I ?  Nothing distracts these guys, not even kibbles, what's wrong with them, or is it that they've been very well trained over the last year.  Looks like they do a lot of laying around in class.

Suddenly our trainer, Roxann, decided it was time for the puppies to learn the "correct" way for play.  OH BOY - now you're talking right up my alley.  I know how to play.  The puppy raisers took our capes and gentle leaders off, then Roxanne threw out a big bucket of tennis balls into the middle of the room.  It was every dog for him/her self.  It was so much fun.  We were all jumping and grabbing tennis balls.  BUT - I learned quickly that "mouthing" other dogs is a CCI no,no.  And you quickly get sprayed in the mouth with vinegar water - yech.  But it was a lot of fun and very hard play, trying to keep up with all the big dogs is very hard work.  Can we do it again soon?

Then at the end of class everyone got to say goodbye to Flair.  She's a golden retriever who is being returned to CCI for "advance training" to be placed with her special needs partner.  Everyone wished Flair a happy journey and told her what a good dog she was.  Mom said in 15 months, when my turn comes everyone will do that for me, and there will be lots of tears of joy for me also.  Good Luck Flair, some lucky person will be very blessed with you in their life. 

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