Here is a picture of me by the main entrance sign. Even though I am a big girl, I look so small next to the sign. But if you look close, you can see me in front of the sign sitting in among the wonderful smelling flowers.
Mom really liked this area of the campus. It was dedicated to the CCI service dogs who died. Their owners purchased tile squares with the dog's names on them as a remembrance. There was a lovely fountain and a small reflection pond with benches. It was a very peaceful place to spend a few moments.
Here is the door to my dorm room, see my name. I have 2 roommates. Most puppies only have 1. Looks like we are going to have some serious all night PJ parties !! Dad noticed that I am the youngest of the three. You can tell by our ID numbers. The larger the number, the later in the year you were born. At matriculation, I met Fluffy, (one of my roomies). A real nice gal.
We walked out on the pier. I wasn't scared at all. I got to look down between the boards on the pier and see the ocean. WOW. I think I like California. There are so many new sights and smells here.
Later that morning we went over to the venue for the graduation and matriculation. There were so many people there and so much energy and excitement in the room it was scary for me. But dad let me put my head on his lap and he would comfort me. He's a good dad that way. He kept telling me what a good girl I was and petting me. I am sure going to miss giving him my ear nibbles.
1.) remember my commands, (I'll need them the rest of my life)
2.) remember my manners, (no one likes a bad mannered puppy)
3.) remember I was born for a special job, (I'm a CCI puppy, born for this purpose)
4.) always remember that mom loves me, and she will always be my mom
This will be the last posting from me for a long, long time. They told me that I am not allowed to use the computer anymore. But mom has promised that if she gets any pictures or reports from me she will post them to let everyone know how I am doing. Wish me luck, as I head out on this next chapter of my journey.
You were raised by incredible parents! We are so proud of you! You are a very special dog! Good luck!