Sunday, December 26, 2010


 This year on December 12th, the local chapter of CCI held their first annual open house at Daynes Music Center in Murray.  Mom and Dad said it was ok to take me along - yeah!!
And of course you know mom - she has to make me try on all the silly Christmas hats and collars.  I felt so stupid in front of all my friends and classmates.  But, I have to make her happy, after all it is the season.
 I sure hope this is the last one.  Everyone is looking at me and laughing.  They keep saying it's so cute, but I know it's just plain stupid.
Oh boy, my half-brother Tadki was here.  He's a CCI graduate and a wheel-chair dog for Kelly.  He's so big and strong, (just like our dad).  But he's so nice to me.  I really like him.
Lots of my classmates and their moms and dads were at the function also.  Most of us dogs just sniffed around and layed on the floor while the people ate and talked and bought dog jewelry and listened to the harp playing.
That's Pascha, she thinks Bruce has a treat in his pocket for her.  But he never has treats for anyone - she's gona' be disappointed, (she needs to check out my dad, he always has dog treats in his pocket when we go out).  I was pretty tired when we went home.  But it was a fun day out and the local chapter raised some much needed funds selling cookbooks.  Mom and dad took a few to sell to their friends also.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Blasa-
    We are deeply offended that you didn't invite us to this great party! We would have loved to sniff other dogs rear ends and meet all the new people. Maybe next time you will consider us!
    Maggie and Lucy
